I am dying to meet USHA. To give her a hug and just hangout with her. The world is full of so many wonderful people. People full of inspiration, determination and hope. I have been fretting about finals, tests, and my dreams. This video was just what I needed to remind me how vast life is--how big the world is--and how truly amazing people are. watch this video its amazing.
There is a group of six going to India to put on a summer camp for the children at this blind school--Its inspiring, it is exciting, it is worth while. Check it out here and help them help these amazing kids.
Seeing this video just pulls at my heart. I think that I m going to buy my ticket to Bangladesh TODAY. My heart is craving my Bangladesh family--I don't think it has beat fully since I have left. I cannot wait to rejoin those adorable children. mmmm.
One has not truly lived until they have had their heart stolen by 107 adorable Bengali Children.