Some people say the mind is less efficient when multi-tasking. They say it is better to focus on one thing, to pour yourself into your one passion, one life mission, one focus.
I have a question to ask.
What if your a person who does not want just one. What if you want 5, 6, or 7? What if when you walk out the door you can see so much beauty and possibilities, you can never imagine just picking just one? What if you are a person who lives organization and chaos? What if you know how to throw caution to the wind, but walk on the straight and narrow? What if you want to soar but keep your feet on the ground? What if you want security, but non-stop adventure? What if you choose to see beauty in the ordinary and reason in the unreasonable? Is it possible? Is it craziness? Is it something others even understand?
What if we threw appearances, expectations, and titles aside? What would I look like? What would you look like.
I am seeing how easy it is to get caught up in "what-I-am," "what-I-am-becoming," "what-I-am-experiencing," "what am I achieving."
What if I do not want to live by the accepted things I am supposed to do?
What if I do not want to worry about I - but associate my I with, "we," "you," and "us."
What if I am person who does not want just one. What if I want 5, 6, or 7? What if when I walk out the door I can see so much beauty and possibilities, I can never imagine just picking just one? What if I am a person who lives organization and chaos? What if I know how to throw caution to the wind, but walk on the straight and narrow? What if I want to soar but keep my feet on the ground? What if I want security, but non-stop adventure? What if I choose to see beauty in the ordinary and reason in the unreasonable? Is it possible? Is it craziness? Is it something others even understand? Is it?