I have started reading a book called “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan
I was given this book by a friend who said it was exceptional—I don’t know if I would go as far as acclaiming it exceptional—but I am only to the second chapter. I find that this book has had a way of speaking to ME every time I have opened it.
Today my reading was on Worry and Stress.
He says:
“Worry and Stress wreak of Arrogance”
"there is a perplexing command: "rejoice in the Lord always . I will say it again: Rejoice" (Phil.4:4). You'll notice that it doesn't end with "...unless you're doing something extremely important." No, its a command for all of us, and follows with the charge, "Do not be anxious about Anything."
Do not even be anxious about anything?!
The book then goes on to explain that if we worry and are stressin' we are in a way saying that are problems are so big that they overshadow GOds commandment to not be anxious about anything.
Man. This is a hard thing to do, but then I am reminded: My life is fleeting. MY God created ME. He created me with the ability to think, function, live. Since HE has done this--is taking care of ME really something HE cannot handle? No. God is big enough to handle all my worries, all the things I am anxious about. And for that I am SO grateful.
My other favorite quote from this book:
"Isn't it a comfort to worship a God that we cannot exaggerate?"
How cool is that? How amazing is it that we cannot exaggerate God. The God who made me, can handle all my worries--and is that big--HE can never be exaggerated.
So why do I question that He holds me in HiS hands--and will take all my anxieties, worries and pain and do something with them--that I can't.
(all these ideas were results of reading "Crazy Love" Im in a research class with a large focus on plagiarism SO I am being extra careful LOL)
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